Friday, 20 February 2009

Learning Agreement



Name: Lauren Cox

Course: Fda Visual Communication     Level: 2

Unit: Professional Project

Reference number: VCM209

Credit Points: 45

Study Hours: 450 hours

Tutors:  Sally Hope, Kit Johnson, Mike Ryan and Neil Leonard.



I have a basic understanding of Editorial and Fashion Illustration, however

from this project I want to gain the professional skills, knowledge and

understanding which will enable me to apply my work into this area of

design in the industry.


As there is already a huge market surrounding Editorial and Fashion Illustration and I am confident that my designs will appeal to, and fit comfortably within this market. The obvious market is the audience for the show Moulin Rouge, however I believe that this can be extended to anyone who is interested in this area of design.


I will produce a series of Fashion Illustrations focusing on the costume designs from both the early 1889 productions of the Moulin Rouge though to the modern interpretation by Baz Luhmann in his 2001 production. After scheduling Moulin Rouge has never been staged as a theatre production so I will use this opportunity to use my Illustrations as part of a campaign to promote the opening of the Broadway musical – Moulin Rouge! By means of souvenirs or collectors items. These will be displayed on a series of double page spreads that I will design, in a program for the show that would be available for the audience.




I will achieve this by evidencing my understanding through detailed synthesis and development work. This will be done through extensive research surrounding the subject area, which will then allow me to progress forward informing design decisions and communicating my ideas clearly.  My project work will be advanced showing my understanding of necessary concepts allowing me to show creativity, maturity and direction in my working. Researching and analysis topics such as: The history of Moulin Rouge, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Post Impressionism, Lithography and the History of the Poster will show that I have clearly identified all relevant topics to gain complete understanding of my chosen project. I will also evidence that I have researched and gained suitable knowledge into the hardware and software programs I will be using. I will then present my final ideas, on design sheets to evidence realisation through the presentation of my work. This along with the presentation of my final pieces will be produced to a professional industry standard evidencing my professionalism and creativity throughout my work.AIMS


·      I want to consolidate my creativity and practical skills in response to a stimulated professional brief.

·      To develop my creativity and my knowledge, and understanding of professional practice.

·      As well as developing and producing a professional standard of creative work in response to a stimulated brief.

·      And finally to prepare myself for employment, freelance work or further study.


On completion of this unit for Learning Outcome One I want to have:


·      Demonstrated a professional standard of creativity and practical ability including:

·      Work that technically comparable to that made within a specific genre.

·      Work that shows and awareness of contemporary trends, styles and subject matter, within commercial contexts.

·      As well as work that shows a very high degree of creativity and aesthetic judgement.

For Learning Outcome Two I will have:


·      Demonstrated a professional ability to plan my time and work using Project time planning and working successfully with others in the production of my creative outcome.

For Learning Outcome Three I will be able to:


·      Respond appropriately to the demands of a professional/self-initiated brief including appropriate creative outcomes to industry/work related briefs.

And finally for Learning Outcome Four I will be able to:


·      Demonstrate readiness for employment, freelance work or further study with the confidence in the level of my creative, practical and professional knowledge skills.


Illustrative work, concepts and idea generation with research into the specified areas and contemporary practices, plus editorial and fashion illustration.  These will be accompanied by a series of design sheets leading to a final outcome of 6 – 8 final fashion illustrations, and a full program booklet. 100%


Evidence of understanding through synthesis and development - Research used to inform design decisions and communicate ideas (LO1)

Evidence of knowledge of concepts and contexts - Project work that shows creative maturity and direction within a commercial context (LO1,LO2)

Evidence of understanding through research and analysis. - Extensive research, and the application of it, used for the underpinning and final conclusion of project work (LO1,LO2,LO3)

Evidence of understanding through critical evaluation and reflection - The objectives of the research have clearly been identified and used to inform project work. (LO1,LO2)

Evidence of knowledge of technical processes – Knowledge of suitable hardware and software required for the planned project (LO1, LO2)

Evidence of realisation through presentation - Work is placed within a commercial context and appropriate methods of presentation used. (LO3)

Evidence of realisation through technical application and skills - A synthesis of creativity and professionalism is demonstrated in the conclusion of the project work (LO1)

Evidence of realisation through communication of ideas – Presentation of learning agreement and finished project (LO1, LO2, LO3)


Managing self               R

Professional Skills        R  

Team working              £


Throughout this project I plan to research:

Fashion Illustration

Theatre promotion

Program Design

Pattern Design




Research and Development group tutorials


Research and Development group tutorials


Research and Development group tutorials


1st Interim Critique (Research and Development)


Deign and Concept group Tutorials


Deign and Concept group Tutorials


Deign and Concept group Tutorials


Deign and Concept group Tutorials


Deign and Concept group Tutorials


2nd Interim Critique (initial design concepts)

Easter Holidays


Deign and Concept group Tutorials


3rd Interim Critique (Presentation of possible solutions)


Resolution Tutorials


Resolution Tutorials


Resolution Tutorials


Resolution Tutorials


Final Critique

01.04.09 – Staff Development Day


Tutorials and print deadline






Before this is handed in I will redesign it as a piece of design work, rather than just a word document, plus it will then be much more detailed by means of research and time planning rather than just a list of the main dates.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Planning my Time

As my timetable seems to be busier than it has ever been before because of the amount of different briefs we have on the go at the moment I have decided to plan my days and dedicate them to the different briefs rather than working how I am at the moment, which is doing a bit here and a bit there on everything which isn't allowing me to get stuck into just one thing a a time. I think I will be able work alot better once I have structured a plan. 

I need to consider finding time for my:
  • Professional Project
  • CVC Unit - 2500 Assignment
  • PPRD - Live Brief 
  • D&AD
Mondays - CVC Unit only.
Tuesdays - PPRD Live Brief 
Wednesdays - PPRD Live Brief and D&AD
Thursdays - Professional Project
Fridays - Professional Project
Weekend - This will be open to anything that needs prioritising. 

This will defiantly need to be stuck to until the 9th of March when PPRD will be handed in which will then free up more time to dedicate solely to my Professional Project. 

Live Briefs

I have had a response from Neil today, suggesting that there might be another live brief I would be interested in which is the PAL manual one run by Kit. So I need to get in contact with Kit as well as Jo regarding the other brief to determine which one will be more beneficial to me.


There would be a place for Illustration in the Rivermeet brief and you might want to talk to Kit about the PAL manual.


Neil Leonard  

Senior Lecturer, FdA Visual Communication
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth
BH12 5HH

T: 01202 363275
F: 01202 537729

Response from Anna

This morning every one received a response from Anna regarding sending her our chosen/proposed assignment titles. Although this was a general email I feel alot happier already about the unit and feel I have now been given some guidance from her suggestions on where to get started. 

Dear All,
thank you to those who have sent proposed essay topics/titles and related material. At this stage I realise that you wont all have fully defined the focus of your essay, but having the topic area defined will help you with this. To help get started on this process here are some things you should do over the next week or so before I see you for the seminars on 2nd March:
1. Key word search- as with last year, doing a 30- 60min search session on the library catalogue search database or google will help you come up with some relevant sources for the essay- both visual and text based. If you put in key terms, but alter them each time you will often get different texts coming up; EG: If I was looking for something around typography and postmodern design I may try the following terms; Typography + Postmodernism; Postmodern graphic design; postmodern design; visual communication and postmodernism; postmodern design theory; typography and graphic design, typography and theory; .... and so on!! if you have key names (Carson, Brody, Barnbrook etc) search those names and add words to narrow the search. This should start to give you a range of sources that you can then narrow down by selecting or rejecting the texts/books by looking through the contents, index page and bibliography in the book.
2. Also look at Design journals and websites for past articles around your topic- this can also be useful for images.
3. search for exhibitions or online websites of key practitioners you may be interested in.
4. look at the data bases linked to library section of AIB website/Blackboard. Remember you can search the library catalogue from any pc at home or on campus- just log on to AIB and click on the library links- you may be prompted to give user name and pass word.
5. KEEP A RESEARCH FILE!! put in all your notes and photocopies from texts/articles, keep careful note of all your sources, noting down authors, title, date, publicher, or if article, magazine name as well and volume numbers and page numbers for any quotations. Also collect any images you may need and put in the file if photocopies. If you work on a lap top or want to save texts and images create a new electronic file to put in all the research material and always back it up on disc or memory stick. Remember this is a stand alone unit, but you can take your research topic/theme and expolre it more fully or from a different angle for level 6 BA unit Investigative Study.
6. Charlotte's sessio will help you get material for the essay and even if you still dont have a clear focus/defined title, you will be able to gather material that roughly corresponds with your area of interest. Dont forget to attend in your groups next Monday 23rd Feb!!
7. Finally for the next session on 2nd March please read the methodologies section of the unit handbook- we will cover this in those seminars, plus we will help you define the foucs and case studies you will write about if you have not yet done so your self, so dont panic!!
STATEMENTED STUDENTS SEEING LEARNING SUPPORT: Please note, you need to let me know again that you are attending , or have made, appointments to see LS for the duration of this unit, and that you would like to apply for an extension. I can then send this list to Brian Long and Neil and if approved you will normally be able to have a two week extension. You can notify me by email or when I see you on 2nd.
Thank you!

Hopefully I will receive some personal feedback from my email as well just to clarify that I am on the right track and that I have chosen a suitable topic to commit to. 

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Live Brief Oppourtunity

Here is an email sent round by Neil regarding a new live brief that has become available. As I still need to take part in one for my PPRD I am very eager to get this underway as it will need to be completed over the next 3 weeks. 

Firstly could you confirm if you are working on the Rivermeet live project. The team that set it are eager to see some ideas. As a reminder you can do as much or a little of this brief as you like, the main thing they are after is an identity.

Secondly, a new brief. As part of the Cultural Olympics the Evolution Rocks festival in Lyme Regis is holding a small film festival and they need some design work – anyone interested?

Lastly, keep blogging:


Neil Leonard  

Senior Lecturer, FdA Visual Communication
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth
BH12 5HH

T: 01202 363275
F: 01202 537729

I have emailed a response back to this to see if it will be suitable for me to take part in as I really want to chose a live brief that will allow me to use Illustration rather Graphic Design. So when I get an email back hopefully I will  be able to get more information on this and get stuck in!

Hi Neil,

I still need a live brief so I was wondering if Illustration could be used for the design work?

If so I would defiantly like to be involved in this.


Emailing Anna Essay Title

We has to email Anna a proposed title for our essays today by 5pm. I still haven't managed to come up with a sound title that I am 100% with but I did email her a couple of titles to get some feedback on.

Hi Anna,

"I want to investigate how their is a current demand for hand rendered illustration rather than photographic within editorial and fashion illustration by looking at campaigns by Nick Knight and Julie Verhoven".

However I'm not sure if this would be a better subject...

" I am going to decode, analyse and compare the functions of hand rendered illustration against photographic illustration within editorial illustration". - Also using Nick Knight and Julie Verhoven.

I'm not sure if this is still too broad or and although I have tried it could probably be worded better?

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Preparation for Screen Printing

I haven't had the oppourtunity to do screen printing since A Level and even then it wont be to the standard that I will be able to undertake tomorrow. I have only screen printed drawing the image myself with Blue Filler but I know tomorrow I will be using a more modern updated technique which I cannot wait to experiment with!

As I am looking at costume for my Professional project and then pattern will link into this so I thought I would pick a couple of patterns to experiment the screen printing with. Here a selection that I am going to consider using. I have chosen these because they have some relevance to my professional project - apart from the Zebra image but I just liked this and thought it would print well.