Neil has sent round an email today just giving us an update on what we need to be concentrating on using our PPRD for.
Last year I didnt keep a blog/diary and therefore found myself in the position where I was having to sit down and backtrack for weeks worth of work at a time. Therefore I didn't get the mark that I wanted as I was always struggling to keep on top of it.
Having this blog this year has solved that problem, PPRD was always pushed to the back of my priorities (work wise), whereas this year I am finding it quite addictive!
* Blog or progress file or diary - Contain details of your work, the planning and development for a Competition and Live brief.
* Research
* Planning
* Meetings
* Timetables
* Tutorial notes
* Notes on Seminars and training.
Alongside this I will need to hand in a Portfolio including work from my FMP.
My main concern from this email is that as of yet I haven't done anything relating to a Live and Competition Brief. So as soon this website brief is handed in I will pushing on with a competition brief.