Friday, 6 March 2009
PPRD Hand In
Well the hand in is on monday and I feel that I am pretty much there... I have already done everything on Neil's list below, but everything needs bits doing to it and touch ups. I have completely redesigned my CV which is now complete to a high professional standard and all the work that I am proud of and feel represents me has been documented as a plan in a simple PDF which I can print out and amend at a later date, as I know that by the end of this course I will want to add my FMP work to it at least.
As I have kept up my blog religiously this year I am confident that there is sufficient planning, reflection and development shown in this over the year to meet the assessment requirements and learning outcomes. Last year I didn't make much effort with this unit and I managed to scrape a pass handing in handouts and evaluations. I learnt my lesson from this as I didn't benefit from it at all so this year I have almost got addicted to this blog documenting everything. It has come to be part of my daily routine to update it religiously. Although I started it off with the intention of it being just for PPRD it is now alot more personal than that and I will be carrying it on to the end of the course as I like doing it, and looking back on my posts to see what I have achieved throughout the year and the goals I set myself.
Dear all,
To confirm the hand in for PPRD is the end of the day (4.30) Monday the 9th. There is a sign in sheet in the store cupboard - Jo, Kit or myself can sign it off.
You need to hand in:
Also can the people who students who volunteered for the show preparation meet me on Monday at 2.00 for a brief briefing.
Good luck,
Neil Leonard
To confirm the hand in for PPRD is the end of the day (4.30) Monday the 9th. There is a sign in sheet in the store cupboard - Jo, Kit or myself can sign it off.
You need to hand in:
- A correctly spelt blog address or print based journal
- Plan for portfolio
- CV
- Evidence of live projects and competition brief
Also can the people who students who volunteered for the show preparation meet me on Monday at 2.00 for a brief briefing.
Good luck,
Neil Leonard
Research and Development Tutorial
I was a bit apprehensive about this tutorial as I wasn't really sure what the tutors were expecting from us by means of volume of work, however Mike seemed very happy that had enough work in my sketch book so far, and a sufficent amount of research.
We agreed that I do need to stop looking into the history of The Moulin Rouge now though and concentrate on looking at the film and collecting materials/ images etc to use for my illustrations.
I am very aware that we are quite into this brief but I still have so much that I want to do and time seems to be running out already if I continue to stick to my own personal goals. I wanted all my research done by next weekend, so that when I am back from Berlin I can begin designing over easter. But I think I am going to have to balance this with further research as I feel there are alot more topics I need to look at to support my ideas and then my work.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
'A View Of London' AOI show
A View of London
AOI/London Transport Museum members exhibition
To be held 18 May – 14 June 2009
AOI is delighted to announce an exhibition in partnership with London Transport Museum (LTM).
The exhibition will feature the work of AOI members under the theme of ‘A View of London’ – illustrations
celebrating the vibrancy of present day London.
The exhibition will be open to all AOI members, as part of our promotion of the illustration profession, with selected images being displayed in the Museum’s gallery from 18 May to 14 June 2009 - a fantastic opportunity to have your work exhibited in this great central London venue in Covent Garden which attracts thousandsof visitors per week.
Artwork entered for selection should be: an image of London, portraying the city as an exciting and varied place for Londoners and visitors alike, reflecting aspects of London which you relate to and enjoy. The selection will be made by AOI and LTM executives.
Deadline: Friday 20 March 2009
For further details on submitting for this exciting opportunity click on
AOI/London Transport Museum members exhibition
To be held 18 May – 14 June 2009
AOI is delighted to announce an exhibition in partnership with London Transport Museum (LTM).
The exhibition will feature the work of AOI members under the theme of ‘A View of London’ – illustrations
celebrating the vibrancy of present day London.
The exhibition will be open to all AOI members, as part of our promotion of the illustration profession, with selected images being displayed in the Museum’s gallery from 18 May to 14 June 2009 - a fantastic opportunity to have your work exhibited in this great central London venue in Covent Garden which attracts thousandsof visitors per week.
Artwork entered for selection should be: an image of London, portraying the city as an exciting and varied place for Londoners and visitors alike, reflecting aspects of London which you relate to and enjoy. The selection will be made by AOI and LTM executives.
Deadline: Friday 20 March 2009
For further details on submitting for this exciting opportunity click on

Illustration by Chris Watson www.chris-watson.co.uk
Neil Leonard
Senior Lecturer, FdA Visual Communication
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth
BH12 5HH
Portfolio Tips
I have just got an Email from Neil with a link to a brilliant Portfolio guidance and tips PDF.
I'm am sure this is going to come in very handy this weekend.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
This was a quick CV that I produced for my website as I didn't have much time, but I have now developed that into a much better designed piece of Art work.

New CV.....

I still need to add a few sections to it and do some final touch ups though.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Time Plan
As this is the week running up to the PPRD deadline I will be prioitising on getting my CV perfect and doing my Portfolio whether it be a PDF or actual one (depending on them finally coming in).
Monday: Theory all day - Carrying on with research
Tuesday: Day out - Lulworth Cove & Durdledoor, just because its supposed to be a nice day!
Wednesday: Working on PPRD
Thursday: FMP - Carrying on with research, building up sketch book and preparing for tomorrows critique.
Friday: Critique, and then after that making sure I have everything I need either printed off or scanned in for PPRD and Portfolio to add finishing touches to over the weekend.
PPRD DEADLINE - Monday 9th March. (1 week today)
Theory Session AM
After still being a bit dubious of what I am going to do with my essay I am now completely sorted. Because only three people turned up for our session this morning me, Tom and Megs were lucky enough to have about a 20 minute one on one with Anna.
I have finally defined my essay title "A critical analysis of contemporary fashion illustration in postmodernism".
So this is a good starting point to begin my research now.. although this title may change to suit what I write about at a later date.
Anna suggested that I start with my images and case studies and let my work develop on from them, whilst showing key contextual and critical theories. I must also analyze, compare, conclude and evaluate constantly, whilst looking at the AIMS, UNIT OUTCOMES and ASSESSMENT CRITERIA.
I have now got a reading list to begin my research for this topic surrounding Illustration V's Photography in Postmodernism and Julie Verhoeven.
I will be researching around these topics about Julie Verhoeven:
- Approaches to Fashion Illustration
- Fearlessness to produce erotic and fairly disturbing imagery - reasons behind this, theories, concepts and approaches.
- Visual language her images provide.
- Her work been seen as Postmodern.
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