Monday, 2 March 2009

Theory Session AM

After still being a bit dubious of what I am going to do with my essay I am now completely sorted. Because only three people turned up for our session this morning me, Tom and Megs were lucky enough to have about a 20 minute one on one with Anna. 

I have finally defined my essay title "A critical analysis of contemporary fashion illustration in postmodernism".  

So this is a good starting point to begin my research now.. although this title may change to suit what I write about at a later date.
Anna suggested that I start with my images and case studies and let my work develop on from them, whilst showing key contextual and critical theories. I must also analyze, compare, conclude and evaluate constantly, whilst looking at the AIMS, UNIT OUTCOMES and ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. 

I have now got a reading list to begin my research for this topic surrounding Illustration V's Photography in Postmodernism and Julie Verhoeven.

I will be researching around these topics about Julie Verhoeven:
  • Approaches to Fashion Illustration
  • Fearlessness to produce erotic and fairly disturbing imagery - reasons behind this, theories, concepts and approaches.
  • Visual language her images provide.
  • Her work been seen as Postmodern.

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