Friday, 28 November 2008

Competition Brief???

I am starting to have second thoughts about my choice of competition brief! Not really a good sign as I should be at the stage where initial ideas are getting well under way, but then on the other hand I suppose that now is the time to change my mind sooner rather then later.
I really wanted to do a typography brief because last year it was something that I was very interested in and wanted to develop my skills as a designer. Initially I was going to produce a piece using hand rendered type which is why I thought it would be a perfect brief to incorporate illustration into it as well.

This is an example of the style I wanted to develop my own work in:

This is an example of text from Sabrina Ward Harrison's website, this ink script is beautiful, i love the freeness and the mixture of the different sizes of each letter.

Although the letters are all different sizes, upper and lower case they all work together perfectly as a piece.

However the brief for 'Three Minutes' requires non hand rendered fonts with style sheets which is where I am now undecided if this is the best brief for me to do, when I want to pursue my degree as an Illustrator.

A little Bit Of Web History

What a better place to start the research than look at how the web came about, as part of Learning Outcome it is essential to get an understanding of the history of the web. Once I have discovered the basics I will further my research into looking at:

- The impact of the web on culture

- What impact will the Web 2.0 and other developments have on the web and does it have any broader implications?

I want to be really thorough with this project as I need to up my grades higher than that of Visual Context 2. Instead of drifting off on my own which I seem to have a tendency to do, I am going to follow the learning outcomes alot closely to make sure I cover all the necessary elements.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

New Brief - Screen based media 2

The Online Portfolio

Today we were set the new brief, and I have to say that I am really looking forward to designing an online portfolio that will reflect me and my style of work. I think this is going to be on of the most important briefs we have done yet because it will an opportunity to get myself noticed and make available to anyone who comes across my website my style of work. 

Whilst I don't feel overly confident in Dreamweaver and I especially need to get my head around CSS I think that I will be able to teach myself enough to produce a quality site that will represent me. 

I am aware that I am going to be balancing this with a live ISTD brief so that is going to be a challenge for me, when managing my time - something that I haven't always proved to good at in the past especially when deadlines get closer. 

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Live Competition Brief - ISTD

I am feeling the pressure that I know really need to get underway with one one of the live ISTD briefs. I would have started this earlier but because of the amount of work that I have had to complete in the last 2 weeks I just haven't been able to find the time to commit to one of these briefs.

I think that now is going to be a very good time to catch up and crack on with researching into one of these briefs now, whilst we don't have any looming deadlines ahead. If I get a good idea of what I want to do over the next two weeks I will then be able to get on with it over the christmas period.