Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Art Of Nurture Final Piece

Here is my finished illustration which I will be submitting for the Lloyds TSB Art Of Nurture competition. 

After looking at work that has already been submitted I really liked the Illustrations that were a lot more simple and un busy which inspired me to produce an Illustration that was on this level. 

I wanted to reflect that Lloyds is a worldwide company, that 'nurtures' its customers from people like me to, small and large businesses. I am very pleased with my design as I think it successfully reflects me and my style of working as well as the company's image. Now all I have to do is get it submitted!

Although PPRD only requires that we do one competition brief I really want to focus on completing a D&AD brief as it would be an amazing opportunity to show case my work and myself promoted! I know that I am not the best art managing my time though so I will have to focus on making time for this and prioritizing it as an important project.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Feedback from Catell

I had a quick meeting with Catell today, although we are supposed to be using these sessions with her to get feedback on the competition briefs we spent most of the session discussing the design of my design of my website. 

She genuinely liked the simplicity of my design, as an Illustrator she said that it is important that you don't distract the viewer away from your work by creating a website that it to busy and over the top. Illustration websites that are simplistic and let the work do the talking are much more effective. I am very confident that this is the type of website that I have designed. 

Catell commented that she liked the way my hand rendered font gives it a sketch book type feel to it, I hadn't really thought of this before but know she has mentioned it I can see what she means and I do like this affect. On my title bar you can see a faint pencil line which I forgot to edit out but I am now considering keeping this. 

Onto a topic that I seem to be neglecting and making the bottom of my priorities... D&AD.

Catella has asked me to produce 3 rought sketches of some idea's for the Illustration Brief ' KPMG' . 

Here are a few points that she put across that I should keep in mind when designing the Illustrations:
* This Illustration is going to be displayed in Central London, so I should concentrate on designing an illustration that is the complete opposite of drab, conformed inner city, office life.
* Something like the countryside, holidays.
* Bright and Colorful. 

So overall this was a very helpful chat, and I feel she has given me the urge to start getting stuck into this brief now.