Thursday, 26 February 2009

Initial Research Tutorial with Kit

This tutorial went really well and has restored my confidence in my idea and that I am on the right track - I needed this!

It was nice to just explain what I have been looking into so far and how far I had got in my sketch book. I explained that I had just started my initial research by looking at the history of Paris and the setting at the time the Moulin Rouge came about. 

Which includes the year of 1889 - Effiel Tower being built, First Cinematic Screening, State of the Industrial Revolution, The Nineteenth 'The Belle Epoque'.

Although these topics don't relate directly to my project I am researching them briefly to give me and understanding of the style of life at this time which would have influenced and been reflected in the 2001 film.

After this I will move onto look at the Art surrounding this era such as: Art Nouveau, Japonism, Post Impressionism, Lithography, Printing facilities at that time and not forgetting Henri Toulouse - Lautrec.

Kit gave me some really positive feedback and gave me even more direction. We agreed that my Illustrations will need to be something new and fresh, and showing the colour and flamboyancy of the Moulin Rouge. She also suggested that I look at new elements I could bring in to my style like screen printing which I will defiantly do.

Artist & work to research surrounding this are Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe prints, and the Banksy Kate Moss prints.

But Kits main advice was to make sure that I am moving forward, and not get carried away with all the research leaving me not enough time to produce my final piece. As there are alot of things I will need to look into like analysis the film and quotes to support my illustrations. I need to focus on moving forward both the practical and modern research with the historical research, keeping the balance right. 

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