We had our first meeting today regarding the Pal manual where everyone showed anything they had produced so far.

It went really well and we soon established how we were going to work together to produce this as everyone was allocated a different area to develop.
These are as follows -
Luke is going to reword the existing literature to a much more suitable volume which can then be placed onto the design.
George is going to be in charge of contacting printing companies/ finding out the costs for what we propose to do.
Tom and Lewis will be working together to design the layout of the Pal manual after presenting their initial ideas.
Then Me, Nick and Emily will produce illustrations to support the literature.
However this did propose a problem as we decided that the manual needs to run with an ongoing theme throughout, so by having the work of three different illustrators with three different styles might not work. So it was suggested that we each come up with our own work and then what ever designs are most suitable/work the best will be used.
But on the other hand there will be three sections for the manual which are: Principles of Pal, Group techniques and then Activities. Which would mean one of us would be allocated a section each to Illustrate depending on how similar a style we can work. Only we have to wait for the layout to be designed first anyway, before Tom and Lewis can tell us what illustrations they want for where, which is slightly annoying as I just want to get stuck in.
It has been decided that there are going to be two separate parts that will be produced.
The first will be the actual PAL MANUAL and the second will be more like a folder to support the Pal Manual which you can add handout/your own notes/timetables to etc. As the actual manual needs to be kept so that a wide range of different courses can use it at the AIB, the supporting folder will be more personal to the course of study and the student.
I feel like we are going to be really successful in working together to produce something worthwhile that will used by students after us to help and support them with their learning, not just on our course but across the whole Arts Institute.
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